Tag Archives: Teachers Write!

Monday Mini-lesson 1: Making Time


For the first Monday of Teachers Write! Kate is challenging everyone to start by making time to write. You can’t just “find” the time, you have make a conscious effort to write. She says, “You have to not do something that you’re currently doing, and use that time to write.”

My writing plan for the summer is to write for (at least) 30 minutes every day. In June my own kids will still be in daycare, so I will write in the mornings after they are gone and before I start my other activities. The rest of the summer my kiddos will be home, so their nap time will be my writing time! It will be when school starts back up that writing will be more of a struggle. My husband has recently taken up blogging, so we could work together to cut out some wasted computer/TV time after the kids go to bed so that we can both focus on our writing.

During the summer I will be writing at the kitchen table. There are window that allow sunlight to stream in, so it’s a very peaceful spot (when the children aren’t running around!). One of my summer projects is to clean out a closet, so I can convert it to a small nook for myself. The goal is to write there once that project is complete!

Right now I have nooooo idea what I will be writing. I’m jealous of those of you who already have something in the works! I have an idea for a children’s book (that I’ve had for ages), but I’m not sure how that would translate through this process. We’ll just see what comes out when I put pen to paper…it’s just important for me that I’m writing!

So now I have shared my Teachers Write! goals. Will you check back in and hold me accountable?